Whether you’re an experienced designer or just want to create a cool newsletter for the school soccer team, InDesign is the gold standard for desktop publishing programs. This easy-to-follow guide is packed with tips and techniques for making the most of InDesign’s features, along with some wise advice on designing pages that do their job perfectly.
- Make it work for you — explore the new tools, take advantage of personal workspaces, and set preferences for the way you work
- Master the details — take advantage of precise typography, layout, and graphics tools to get exactly the document you want
- Add color — use color libraries, multi-ink colors, and gradients to make your document sparkle
- Play well with others — learn how InDesign works seamlessly with other applications in the Adobe Creative Suite
- Get in style — take text and object formatting up a notch by using styles and InDesign’s many special effects
- Be Web savvy — use hyperlinks, multimedia elements, and more for Web, PDF, and Flash files
- Pack it up — prepare for printing or other output with enhanced preflighting and service-bureau tools
Open the book and find:
- Steps for designing and producing professional page layouts
- How to open and save documents and export document content
- The ins and outs of working with text
- Steps for managing chapters and books
- Secrets for setting up great master pages
- The dangers of unnamed colors
- How to manipulate, organize, and align design objects
- Tips for cropping and positioning graphics
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