You’ll start with Dreamweaver basics and the essentials of a good Web site. Then you’ll learn to add zing with Spry effects, set up Contribute, build dynamic pages, extend your site with Web applications, configure database connections using PHP, ASP.NET, or ColdFusion, and more! Discover how to:
- Get familiar with Dreamweaver’s workspace, use the toolbars and panels, and set preferences
- Plan, design, build, and manage a site that meets your audience’s expectations
- Add Flash files, movies, and sound, and keep your site updated with Cascading Style Sheets
- Create and use code snippets and history panel commands
- Follow the right steps for setting up links
- Incorporate interactive images to build visually appealing Web pages
- Use layers with CSS, JavaScript behaviors, or Flash® movies
- Review source formatting and clean up your code to avoid errors when publishing your site
- Capture attention with dynamic content and forms
Dreamweaver CS4 All-In-One for Dummies is divided into nine minibooks:
- Getting Started
- Mastering the Basics
- Working Like the Pros
- Energizing Your Site
- Publishing Your Site
- Working Collaboratively
- Building Web Applications
- Making Pages Dynamic
- Developing Applications Rapidly
Your one-stop Dreamweaver reference is Dreamweaver CS4 All-In-One for Dummies!
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