Add seamless, interactive, user-controlled delivery to your Flash applications. This book builds upon your understanding of basic ActionScript (AS) syntax with the foundational skills that you need to use XML in Flash applications and AS2 or AS3 to migrate your existing applications. Beginning with an introduction to XML, XML parsing methods, and a short introduction to AS2 you learn how to create a universal XML load/onload Class as well as a universal XHTML parser. Then you learn how to use Components using XML as the data source, including the menu, menubar, datagrid and tree component. Finally, atutorial projectthe design and development of a Real Estate Web site that contains an XML search enginepulls it all together with han ds-on experience. All the applications use XML as the data source and arewritten as class files. Select parts of the Real Estate Web site are redeveloped in AS3 for purposes of illustration. The new XML class is presented and specific code examples demonstrate techniques to applymethods and use properties. Particular attention is paid to the differences between AS2 and AS3 and how to effectively transition from one AS version to the other.
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