ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns takes you step by step through the process, first by explaining how design patterns provide a clear road map for structuring code that actually makes OOP languages easier to learn and use. You then learn about various types of design patterns and construct small abstract examples before trying your hand at building full-fledged working applications outlined in the book. Topics in ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns include:
- Key features of ActionScript 3.0 and why it became an OOP language
- OOP characteristics, such as classes, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism
- The benefits of using design patterns
- Creational patterns, including Factory and Singleton patterns
- Structural patterns, including Decorator, Adapter, and Composite patterns
- Behavioral patterns, including Command, Observer, Strategy, and State patterns
- Multiple design patterns, including Model-View-Controller and Symmetric Proxy designs
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