In this thoroughly up-to-date book that covers all of the new features of Photoshop CS3 and Lightroom, you'll learn how to use methods within an application or raw converter, scripts, plug-ins, and more. Leslie Alsheimer and Bryan O'Neil Hughes show you everything you need to know to uncover the secrets to successful black and white conversion and printmaking. Let the stunning images (presented in both color and black and white) show you just what is possible when you master these powerful tools.
Bryan O'Neil Hughes is a Product Manager for the Photoshop team, and a Product Evangelist for the Photoshop Lightroom Team. Working for Adobe since 1999, Bryan has helped test, develop, drive and demonstrate Adobe's digital imaging applications. Beyond Adobe, Bryan is a published photographer, editor and author.
Leslie Alsheimer is a freelance photographer, and photo educator based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With the Santa Fe Digital Darkroom, Leslie travels around the country teaching photography, Photoshop and digital imaging workshops, as well as working with private clients as a creative imaging consultant, instructor, and trainer. She has worked extensively with many of the foremost digital image makers in the US. She is an instructor with the American Photo/Nikon Mentor Series and a member of the Adobe Beta Testing Team. Leslie is also the Director of Community Photography Outreach.
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