This collection of tips, tricks and techniques will give you the freedom to determine the edge flow and overall mass of your models through this free-form digital sculpting method. The accompanying website offers instructional files that show the models in progressive stages of development. In addition there is a free user forum for interactive feedback and information.
* Official Autodesk technique series book includes a collection of tips, tricks and techniques on how to create models for advertising, TV and the web.
*Unique focus on poly-modeling over box modeling and quick workflow tricks for the production deadline crunch
*Detailed exercises to take you step-by-step through the process of creating high-quality models with speed and ease.
*Extensive tutorials on the functionality of PolyBoost within 3dsMax 2009 and current, applicable, adaptable information on the use of Graphite Modeling Tools with 3ds Max 2010 (Polyboost has been implemented into 3ds Max 2010 and renamed Graphite Modeling Tools)
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