If you're involved in any way with the design andmanufacturing industry, you've probably had to workwith AutoCAD drawings. But not everyone needs to bean expert at AutoCAD - many users really need toknow only a few of its vast array of tools. Ifyou're someone who doesn't need to or want to be anAutoCAD power user but wants to be able to useAutoCAD proficiently, this book is for you.Introducing AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009 coversthe basic drawing and editing tools that most userswill need to produce quality AutoCAD drawings.You won't find information about every last feature.Instead, this book presents AutoCAD's essentialfeatures through a combination of tutorials andreference material to give you a concise, easy-to-usecompanion for your work with AutoCAD. It's designedso that you can quickly learn the tools you need...when you need them.The new edition of this hands-on guide helps usersof all skill levels learn the basics of AutoCAD 2009and AutoCAD LT® 2009 easily and efficiently.Bestselling AutoCAD author and expert George Omuraoffers clear explanations, a task-based approach, andpages of real-world examples and exercises to makethis thorough book more valuable and useful than ever.Whether you're new to AutoCAD or just looking for aquick refresher, you'll find the fast, focused.
introduction to AutoCAD you need to get quickly up to speed.
- Explore the all-new interface in AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009
- Navigate the new Ribbon panel to access the tools you need
- Master the basics of drawing and editing with precision
- Add and edit notes and dimensions
- Learn the fundamentals of 2D drawings and 3D models
- Understand layers, blocks, groups, and external references
- Find areas and distances quickly
- Easily extract hidden data
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